Circle City
and spatial installation
"Circle City" takes the removal of the landscape ball tower in Triangle Park on January 13, 2022, as the midpoint on the timeline, initiating an exploration of the stories of the Triangle Park roundabout—its past history and future conjectures. It narrates a process where public memories are gradually hollowed out and replaced. The adjacent Train Station Square serves as a gathering place for migrant workers on weekends, where diverse languages converge into a river, enveloping communities from different places and resonating with the circular water feature in the square's design.The term "Circle" describes the tangible scenes—the water feature and roundabout in the artwork—while also representing a contour lacking a three-dimensional core. "City" points to the artist's birthplace—Changhua City. The exhibition treats "Circle City" as a reimagination of the spirit of a town. Through the artist's familiar yet unfamiliar gaze at her hometown, the exhibition dissects the displaced layers between the local and the foreign, aspiring to find an axis to perpetuate public memories.However, in this time not bound by the pursuit of any collective, all intentions appear loose and free, especially as mobility and adaptation gradually become themes of life. The artist attempts to replicate these moments of change into images, chew out scents, uncover melodies, commemorating symbols of movement within this city.
以⼆零⼆⼆年⼀⽉⼗三⽇於三⾓公園拆除的景觀球塔作為時間線上的中點,開始關注三⾓公園圓 環的故事(過去的歷史)及其後續(未來的猜想),講述⼀個公眾回憶逐漸被掏空與替換的過程。⽽鄰近的火 ⾞站站前廣場作為移⼯們週末的聚會所,紛雜的語⾔匯聚成⼀條河流,包裹來⾃異鄉的群體,也與廣場環狀的 ⽔道設計共鳴著。 「圈圈」,是對作品中出現的場景-⽔道與圓環的具象形容,也是⼀個缺乏立體核⼼的輪廓。⽽「城」則是指 向藝術家出⽣的地⽅-彰化市。展覽將〈圈圈城〉作為重新想像⼀座城鎮精神的寓體,透過藝術家對家鄉既熟 悉⼜陌⽣的⽬光拆解在地/異鄉間錯位的圖層,並渴望找到⼀個可以延續公眾記憶的軸⼼。但在這個不為某種 集體的追求⽽綁架的時光裡,所有的意志都顯得鬆散⽽⾃由,特別是當移動與適應逐漸成為⼀種⽣命的主題 時,藝術家試著將這些變化的時刻臨摹成圖、嚼出氣味、找出旋律,紀念流動於這座城內的象徵。
文字 Text
︎ 景觀球塔設計師張先生訪談集 | 彰化三角公園景觀工程(圓環)期末報告 翻印
︎ Interview with Landscape Sphere Tower Designer Mr. Chang
Final Report on Changhua Triangle Park Landscape Project (Roundabout)
︎ 故事 Story(中/EN)
︎︎︎ Circle City(2023 | Taipei) ︎︎︎ 圈圈城(2023 | 臺北)